If I it not tried and had heard, I would not believe it. Simply
possibly play something, all the same which - it sounds always
correct. This dream becomes true by one new music instrument and its
two main components named MIDI translator and Hotzbox.
The steuerzentrale, i.e. the Hotzbox, consists of a flat operator
surface with highly sensitive, notice-dynamic Pads. These are
partially arranged as a key board keyboard and also by groups. Each
PAD spends a MIDI Event, which steers the software (translator). The
translator, which must be in any ATARI with at least IMB main memory,
regards this Events as control signals and converts it accordingly. In
which form this is to happen, the user decides. In addition still
another clay/tone producer is necessary, in order to hear the scales
and chords spent by the translator. To recommend a bungee cord or a
key board with multitimbralen abilities is in each case, since several
MIDI channels can be used at the same time. This is the replicated
system approach, which cannot exhaust however still long all
connection types. Also the music-interested, which are not powerful
the black and white keys, come this time at their expense. This circle
of acquaintances is then likewise in a the position to play perfect
melodies and einwuerfe.
The main menue is the global overview for MIDI data flow.
The hardware
The Hotzbox has the mass (L/B/H) 93.5 X 57 X 15,5cm and weighs
about 30 kg. The surface consists of 124 Pads, which are arranged to
groups. On the back MIDI connections are "IN",
"OUT" and "THRU" as well as "AUX MIDI
IN" and "AUX MIDI THRU". Last the two are likewise laid
out for 5polig. With these DIN sockets associate then still another
one 9polige (AUX 7) and 2 25polige D-SUB-sockets, Wing l and Wing r.
6 klinkenbuchsen (6,3mm) are likewise also from the portion. These
are marked by "AUX 1" to "AUX 6". With some
sockets the Hotzbox is expandable on further tax possibilities, so
that one or more musicians on additional Pads can along-play. The
description of rear wall is here with the mention the power LED,
Netzschafter. Mains connection and reset-switches are sufficient. This
box carries the names in of Los Angeles of living inventor, Jimmy
Hotz, for that in the last years its wonderwork already several times
on RK-acre-in-eats in Duesseldorf presented 1993 is it owing to the
brothers Haring from Austria succeeded the Hotzbox on the music fair
in Frankfurt at a Falcon030 to be introduced. One should be betrayed
here already times. The heavy Hotzbox is not necessary necessarily. In
its place easily a key board, although with easy restrictions, can be
used, which is financially portable. So far exclusively the translator
program running on the ATARI transfers all pre-programmable functions
in this case.
The first view
It is remarkable that not one PAD carries an inscription and
optically in no way a reference to its function is given. This is not
an error of the manufacturer, but due to the free programmability of
the MIDI translator a compelling measure. But no fear - numerous
complete attitudes are for the joy of the Erwerbers a component of the
program and contain comprehensive possibilities. Who would like to put
on now even hand, is open, for each piece, which it would like to play
with the box to provide its own Setup. Laterally and under the Pads
sufficient place, in order to attach few is a marked sticker. This is
at the beginning of meaningful, proves for the future however as
unnecessary, there is PAD-group-oriented adapted. The sense of the
translator is it to give to the Nichtmusiker the possibility to the
hand of being able to play perfectly and the professional to make
possible, its ideas free run to leave. The beginner enjoys about the
complex melodies and chords, which are he to suddenly play able, and
which professional, who wants to even compose and times no new ideas
has (also that is to give it), plays from now on intuitively with the
Pads complex einwuerfe and polyp-hone lines. New works could be
produced so e.g. by playing same lines and changes in the program
easily. Here experimenting forces itself upon quasi.
This illustration shows an overview of the UPPER -, the Lower and
the zoom shot bank.
The secret
Some one will now ask itself: "from where does the crate want
to know which I straight to play wants?" That is not foreseeable
surely. Certain rules must be considered. In order to bring something
light into the concept, is important it to know that certain groups of
PADS and/or rows are summarized and are regarded as bank. Thus there
is the Upper here -, the Lower and the zoom shot bank, those the most
important tax brackets represent each PAD produced to MIDI Events,
comparison without the production of note Events of a MIDI Keyboards,
and steer translator cell. Here there actual secret hides itself. The
PAD vents do not represent the ATARI outputs, son to that the Events
of the cell, which straight were triggered by the PAD. Now each cell
must be gefuttert separately with data which however not the concern
of the new A riser is, since plentifully base material is provided.
Behind the upper un lower bank 128 translation lattices (Grids) hide
themselves. The zoom shot bank exhibits only 32. Each translation
lattice is 128 * 12 a matrix and translates there entire MIDI
Notenspektrum. I believe, there rattle already the first pocket
calculators. In order to use the unausschoepfbaren possibilities now
purposefully, still the most important bank, the zoom shot bank is
missing. It provides in real time for switching the Grids of all
cells. Here it becomes clear that the Hotzbox on several Midi channels
sends at the same time and this holds for the ATARI in such a way
naturally also with the expenditure. By triggers by zoom shot bank
completely different Grids can be used on all Pads, and all this is
released by only one PAD. The banks play then scales or complex
chords, which can sound wrong in no case. Better said: "it rings
out only what is in the cell intended for it. If this is wrongly
"fed", the result will not sound satisfying. Each PAD plays
thus a purposeful clay/tone or chord, no matter how much one may also
strike beside it. If one plays something else, than one intended, it
sounds never wrongly, at the most differently. The base material for
the particulars bank scoops the program from the lower and upper chord
tables. These are not directly accessible by PAD and contain 128 cells
with Akkord and scale structures, which are used by the cells of the
Upper -, Lower and zoom shot bank. Here the entire history of the
harmony teachings is thus provided directly. A layman does not only
have to take instruction, and the professional is pleased about the
base material. Without now the detailed operating instructions in
German language, in form of a DIN-A4-Ordners, read to have, is
advisable it to pass on simply times in order to hear, how the box
The Overviewpage shows the outlined surface of the Hotzbox.
In order to come at all to playing, it is necessary to connect the
MIDI Out of the Hotzbox with Midi in a ATARls with at least IMB main
memories. The MIDI output of the ATARI leads in Midi in a
multitimbralen bungee cord. In place of the Hotzbox, as already
mentions above, a key board can be attached, which takes over then the
functions of the Pads. The keyboard is divided thereby in 5 different
PAD zones. The key board is no adequate replacement, represents
however a quite more favorable solution. With this replicated system
approach piece for piece each function is easy to learn. Who wants to
improvise to its own Sequenzersongs, already somewhat more expenditure
must operate. A second ATARI with sequencer often commodity or a
hardware sequencer can simulate the zoom shot changes. With this
configuration a programmable Patchbay is necessary for filtering
redundant data, which could disturb the data streams of the
translator. Now it is e.g. possible to take up the zoom shot
instructions directly to the sequences in order to steer afterwards
the translator from the sequencer. All what is played now on the
Hotzbox, cannot be wrong completely simply any longer. In this case
times more is not used a zoom shot PAD than such. More simply it goes
really not more. The dream each music inspired becomes finally true.
Whether the straight Flippers or brook is announced, does not play a
role, additional playing on the box (or key board) enriches each
The small Hotzbox is somewhat handier than the large brother.
There is not only the note and Programchange instructions, which
are processed, but also complex CONTROLLER data such as Pitchbend,
modulation etc.. The software processor with the designation stringer
administers these data strands. Even the processing of the Velocity
data is pre-setable and can by random number generator be steered. An
adjustment to the attached clay/tone producers takes over the
Translatot on the main menue side. One is thus not dependent on the
transmit channels of the box, these simply on the desired channels is
rerouted. If the concept is only once recognized, then one understands
much automatically. The translator is not simple nevertheless to
understand and required nevertheless unites exercise expenditure. For
this reason one should take the provided complete solutions up at the
beginning. Petrol ordinary consumer will surely find all vital one
here. Who however the opinion it is that he has better ideas, programs
simply its own chords, scales and cells, until he comes to the desired
A special application is still heading for effects. Here the film
toners come fully at their expense. Since playing on several
MID1-Kanaelen is at the same time possible, the complete operational
sequence can be stopped first in the translator, and one can let Layer
effects ring out afterwards even. With a Midi ton gate/cSwitch/power
interface of the company Doepfer from Graefelfing is it a children's
game to realize a complete Lightshow. The cheapest kit for this
hardware costs starting from 25, - DM and is ideal for experimental
purposes. The longer he over the Hotzbox thinks, the more occurs to
the MIDI user to this topic. One is safe: Who has the box only times
in hands, she will begin not only for a purpose, but new operational
areas again and again will find. A function, which was missing to me
to kind of snapping, is the chord recognition, which can steer the
translator. A zoom shot change is released generally by Programchange
and is not simulatable therefore not with the key board keys. If the
translator would recognize the chords here, how arrange a zoom shot
change with the announcement in the display of some rhythm key boards
and on the basis this function, a direct Mitspielen would be to the
sequencer or rhythm key board without long adjustment work possible.
It would be beautiful, if the topic could be a component of the next
update. A rhythm key board, which can spend the bass on an individual
Midi channel, is also able to drive through the zoom shot changes. The
bass notes, which are usually played mono phons, can steer then by
skillful adjustment the translator. With very fast bass runs should be
done therefore without Programchange instructions, because the bungee
cord cannot react then fast enough.
Einige Setups bieten perfektes Grundmaterial
Zur Anleitung
Die Bedienungsanleitung ist zwar sehr großräumig geschrieben,
aber nicht immer leicht zu lesen. Da dieses Programm zur Zeit das
einzige seiner Art ist, muß man sich schon durch eine Fülle von
neuen Fachausdrücken kämpfen. Zum besseren Verständnis befindet
sich auf jeder Seite mindestens eine Abbildung, und ein umfassendes
Tutorial erleichtert den Einstieg ungemein.
Mit der Funktion "Channel Shadows" ist das Rooten auf
mehrere MIDI-Kanäle gleichzeitig möglich.
Es ist kaum möglich, mit wenigen Worten das Leistungspotential des
Translators zu beschreiben. Allein die Tatsache, daß kein Verspieler
mehr möglich ist, läßt die Herzen höher schlagen. Hier werden sich
wohl auch die Gitarristen angesprochen fühlen, die nun auf den Tasten
klimpern können. Mit einem entsprechenden MIDI-Converter dürfte der
Gitarrist sogar direkt triggern können. Jimmy Hotz hat sicherlich
nicht geahnt, zu welchen Leistungen seine Soft- und Hardware-Entwicklung
fähig sein wird, als er diese ins Leben rief. Übrigens: Jimmy hat 13
ATARIs zu Hause stehen, was wohl für diesen Rechner sprechen sollte.
Ob Jimmy die Box auf seiner Fleetwood Mac-Tournee einsetzt, kann ich
eventuell nach der Tournee in Erfahrung bringen. Meines Wissens sind
Billy Idol und J.M. Jarre bereits stolze Besitzer der großen Hotzbox.
Aufgrund des hohen Preises für die Hardware werden wohl vorerst nur
die Profimusiker in den Genuß kommen, auf einer großen Box zu
spielen. Es bleibt aber weiterhin die Alternative, ein normales
MIDI-Keyboard als Trigger-Gerät einzusetzen oder sich die Medium-Hotzbox
zuzulegen, die immerhin nur die Hälfte kostet. Der Translator erhält
aufgrund der Einzigartigkeit und des guten Preis-/Leistungsverhältnisses
das Prädikat: Empfehlenswert.
Die aktuellen Preise lauten zur Zeit wie folgt:
MIDI-Translator Light-Version: DM 490,-
MIDI-Translator Full-Version: DM 790,-
Hotzbox Touchboard large: DM 15.000,-
Hotzbox Touchboard medium: DM 7.000,-
Bei Betrachtung der Einzelpreise verkrampft sich die Geldbörse
schon ein wenig, aber gemessen an der Funktionsvielfalt und den
Herstellerkosten ist nichts dagegen einzuwenden. Es ist durchaus möglich,
daß sich die Preise in naher Zukunft nach unten bewegen.
Haring und Haring
MIDI-Translator Hard- und Software
Höfen 112
A-5261 Uttendorf
Tel.: 07724-2543 (nur innerhalb Österreichs)
Tel.: 0043-7724-2543 (für alle anderen)
FAX: 07722-65845 (nur innerhalb Österreichs)
FAX: 0043-7722-65845 (für alle anderen)
Tel.: 08677-64840 (Büro Deutschland)
FAX: 08677-65536 (Büro Deutschland)
Translator Software
einzigartige Software
flexibel und universell einsetzbar
reichlich Grundmaterial wird mitgeliefert
schnelle Zoom-Wechsel in Echtzeit
ausführliche deutsche Bedienungsanleitung
kann von jedem MiDI-Gerät gesteuert werden
Negativ: -
universell einsetzbar
dynamisch und hochempfindlich
über die Rückwand erweiterbar
sehr schwer
hoher Preis