Exerpt from the Gates of Time
A brilliant flash of dazzling white light suddenly appeared to the left of his vision and Helios focused his thought toward it. Instantly, a giant rush flowed through his entire being as he attuned himself to the slightly modulated fabric of time and space, now clearly visible before him.
His entire craft responded as though it were an extension of himself. The myriad of smaller spirits, which are a part of his vessel, also experienced a tremendous rush as the positive exhilaration of Helios cascaded out like a shockwave. Life flooded their beings, as each did their part in fulfillment of God’s plan. Their craft is an old star and Helios has been its captain since it was created. His life is bound to the star and its life to him.
Although he now steers toward the certain destruction of his craft, no fear clouds his purpose. He is in perfect attunement with God’s plan and his unerring faith tells him that beyond what appears to be the end, there is a new and greater beginning...